2025 Ministers Conference 1/21/2025 PM - Brother Copeland to Pastor Dan Stratton
Transcription of the Prophecy
The non-compromised stand that you made, Dan Stratton, in so many times of your life. In the business world, you refused to compromise. When it came to deals that could have been made when you were on the Stock Exchange, you didn't compromise. And I have it in my spirit, you walked away from three very lucrative deals that would have made you and Ann a lot of money, and you turned around and walked away, and they called you a fool. But those fools are gone and out of business. And here you sit tonight, a God-made wealthy man, and you're wealthy in the spirit realm, and you're wealthy in the Word. Praise God. You ain't doing all that bad financially either. Praise God. Huh? Did I miss it? You did not miss it and I love you with all my heart. Thank you, Dan Stratton. Praise God.